Safer Sofer

Under Construction


We're still alive and still trying to get a website going in our spare time.

A sofer is a scribe who writes or repairs Torahs and other handwritten Jewish items.

This site was started in September, 1999. Come back soon for more information. Expect to find answers to the following questions:

How is a torah made?

What is a torah worth?

What happens to a torah as it gets old?

How do I buy a Torah?

How do I care for a Torah?

Does the torah need repair?

What should repairs cost?

The information on this site is presented for the congregational Rabbi or the lay person. Our goal is consumer education.

If you have questions about torahs please send e-mail to

If you are a sofer and have comments about the information please send e-mail to

If you have questions or comments about this site please send e-mail to

If you would like to help create content for this site please contact

Last modified 20 December 2005